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For Kids
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Befriend Your

Move and breathe to calm your body. Then, make a healthy choice.Ā 


First, give yourself a BIG HUG and then wiggle into it more.


Ā Next,Ā brush off your arms like youā€™re trying to get cat hair off of your shirt.


 Next, pat your legs all the way down and up again.


 Next, make a circle in your hand for as long as you need. Try to make your circle go slower and slower, to the pace of your breath.


Ā And then takeĀ 3 deepĀ breaths to shrink your overwhelm to the size of a jellybean. Just turn on the sound and press play.


Overwhelm helps you slow down and focus on an immediate need. Do you need a break? Give yourself 10 minutes.

What do you need?

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